miércoles, 9 de noviembre de 2011

Hawraarta Afkayna

Uunsiga Afka Uunka: Soomaali.

Hadalkaan ujeedo’iyo
Himilo toosan lehayn’iyo
Hadaaq waa ku dilaa.

Hawraari waa murtidayna
Haddana waa gabaygayna
Ama heesta ciyaarta
Ama hawsha middeeda.

Heelo’iyo buraanbur
Hooriskeeda’iyo jiibka
Hingaadda’iyo luuqda
Haasaawehii’iyo amaanta
Hanjabaadda’iyo faanka
Halxiraale’iyo sheeko.

Waa hiraab iyo toosin
Waa afkii hidehayna
Amase hooyo’iyo aabe
Hantidii ummaddayna
Habistii ubadkayna.

Waa hogaan dhaqameedka
Marna aan la hurayn,
Lagu soo hiranayo.

The speech of our language
Utterance without weight
Spoken with no emphasis
And all frivolous speech
Is the death of our language

Our speech is our heritage
The most intricate poetry
A song to make us dance
And a song to help us work

It's Heelo and Buraanbur,
It's chorus and refrain
Syllables and music
Conversation and veneration
Threats and boasts
Riddles and tales

Dreams and awakening
Our speech is our heritage
Spoken by our ancestors
It's the wealth of our people
Our children's treasure-house

It's the lodestone of our culture
Utterly indispensible
The means of seeking assistance.

Gabayaaga: Jaamac Kadiye Cilmi
W.T.: Maxamad Xasan “alto” iyo Sarah Maguire
Ka: Poetry Translation Centre (Xarunta Tarjumaadda Maansada).
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