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Gobonimodoonka Xaajji Maalik Al-Shabaaz "Malcolm X" |
Rag sabaan ka sabaan baan
samaantuun badshaa.
Hadduu saakimi waayo
sariiraan u dhigaa
iska seexo iraa.
Hadduu saakimi waayo
caanahii hasha Suub baan
sadex goor u lisaa
ku sariigo iraa.
Hadduu saakimi waayo
sumalkii rugta joogay iyo
sogabkaan u qalaa.
Hadduu saakimi waayo
sixnigii Cadameed baan
subagga uga badshaa.
Hadduu saakimi waayo
gabar suurad wanaagsan baan
suradda ugu dhisaa.
Hadduu saakimi waayo
xoolo gooni u soofi iyo
sadadkaan ku laraa.
Hadduu saakimi waayo
seedaw, mood iyo mood iyo
salaantaan badshaa.
Hadduu saakimi waayo
salaaddaan labolaabaa oo
maydal, seedo madaw iyo
salligaan cuskadaa oo
sulub eebo ku joogtaa;
sarartaan ku dhuftaa oo
sanbabka ka baxshaa
markaasuu sallimaa!
(Faarax Nuur)
The limits of submission
To the colonialist, time to
I show only abundant goodness.
If he is not satisfied
I spread out bedding for him
And sleep, I say.
If he is still not satisfied
The milk of the camel whose
name is Suub
I milk three times for him
And take comfort in it, I say.
If he is still not satisfied
The homestead’s ram
And the fat he-goat
I kill for him.
If he is still not satisfied
The plate from Aden
I fill with ghee for him.
If he is still not satisfied
A beautiful girl
And her bridal house
I offer for him.
If he is still not satisfied
I select livestock also
And add them to the tribute.
If he is still not satisfied
Oh brother-in-law and cheer
and salutation
I lavish upon him.
If he is still not satisfied
At a certain day I speed up
Morning Prayer and prepare
The dark grey horse with
black tendons
And with the words “Praise
to the Prophet” I seize
Smooth headed small spear by
the shaft
And drive it through his
So that his lungs spew out;
Then he is satisfied!
Somali Poetry: An
B. W. Andrzejewski and I. M.
Clarendon Press, 1964